Biochemical Impact of Dominant Extracts
of Scots Pine Cuttings on Germination
Ligita Baležentiene, Vaida Šežiene
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Lithuanian University of Agriculture, LT-53361 Kaunas distr., Lithuania
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2010;19(1):35-42
The main objective of this study was to determine the allelopathic impact of dominant species
(Calamagrostis epigeios, Rubus idaeus and Chamaenerion angustifolium) of clear-cuttings of Scots pine
(Pinus sylvestris L.) forests (Vaccinio-myrtillo Pinetum) on test species germination emphasizing the forest
ecosystem establishment. Aqueous extracts of roots and shoots were produced at different growth stages and
assayed on germination. Additionally, total concentration of phenols was evaluated photo spectrometrically.
Extracts of shoots more strongly inhibited germination than those of roots of all investigated species. The
strongest inhibitory effect on germination and the highest phenol contents were documented during the flowering
stage rather than in spring and autumn. Accordingly, to mean germination data the declining phytotoxicity
sequence of the species was determined: R. idaeus > C. epigeios > Ch. angustifolium. Hence this study
implied in allelopathic activity of species a potential suppressive factor that could influence germination and
forest regeneration, but field condition studies are necessary.