Bioaccumulation of Metals in Tissues
of Marine Animals, Part II: Metal Concentrations
in Animal Tissues
Anna Jakimska1, Piotr Konieczka1, Krzysztof Skóra2, Jacek Namieśnik1
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1Department of Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Faculty, Gdańsk University of Technology,
G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk, Poland
2Marine Station Institute of Oceanography in Hel (G215)
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2011;20(5):1127-1146
The bioaccumulation of metals in an animal depends on a multitude of factors: biotic ones, like its body
dimensions and mass, age, sex, diet, metabolism, and position in the trophic web; and abiotic ones, such as the
distribution of metals in its environment, salinity, temperature, and pH of the water, habitat type, and interactions
with other metals. But it is diet that has the greatest influence on the accumulation of metals in animal
tissues. Bioaccumulation is a complex process, requiring the simultaneous examination of metal levels in the
tissues of animals from at least two adjacent trophic levels. To illustrate the differences in metal concentrations
in animals, data are presented on heavy metal levels in the tissues of different groups of animals (marine molluscs,
crustaceans, echinoderms, fish, sea turtles, birds, and mammals) from various levels of the trophic pyramid.
Most commonly, metal concentrations are higher in larger animals that are end members of a trophic
chain than in the smaller organisms they feed on.
Since to a large extent an animal’s habitat determines the level of metals in its body, these data are
generally indicators of the extent of pollution of the water body in which it lives.
It has been found that carnivorous species bioaccumulate far greater quantities of metals than herbivores
or omnivores, and that metal levels are lower in organisms capable of detoxifying or excreting metals.