Bacteriological Contamination Detection in Water
and Wastewater Samples Using OD600
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Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Wrocław, Poland
Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental, Geomatic and Energy Engineering, Kielce
Submission date: 2018-06-13
Final revision date: 2018-08-23
Acceptance date: 2018-09-04
Online publication date: 2019-07-23
Publication date: 2019-09-17
Corresponding author
Magdalena Domańska
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science, pl, Grunwaldzki 24, 50-323 Wrocław, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2019;28(6):4503-4509
The effectiveness of disinfection, as well as microbiological composition of water, are assessed
by microbiological tests. The analysis usually takes from 24 to 48 hours. During this time the water
produced at the water treatment plant has already been fed to the water supply system. In order
to reduce the risk of bacteriological contamination, higher concentrations of disinfectants are
maintained. Considering the fact that water supply systems use retention tanks with retention times
of from 5 to 12 hours, microbiological tests should give the result in shorter time than water retention
time in the water tanks. The aim of the study was to determine whether the bacterial community in static
liquid medium with the control of absorbance change at 600 nm (OD600) can be applied as a diagnostic
method at water treatment plant laboratories. The research on water and wastewater samples has shown
that the duration of lag time λ depends on the approximate amount of bacteria and the initial conditions
in liquid media at the start of the experiment. It has been shown that the method can be used in the future
for rapid monitoring of bacteriological contamination in the water.