Assessing Efforts to Mitigate Particulate Matter Air Pollution in the Moravian-Silesian Region
Petr Šauer, Jaroslav Kreuz, Aleš Lisa
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Institute for Sustainable Business, University of Economics, Prague
W. Churchilla 4, 130 67 Prague 3, Czech Republic
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2014;23(6):2233-2242
The Moravian-Silesian Region suffers from bad air quality, and air pollution levels even exceeding
health limits. The national and local authorities are striving to solve this adverse situation in cooperation with
the responsible bodies. Significant amounts of resources have been allocated to various interventions in the
region. This article provides the results of a multi-criteria analysis that evaluates sets of various measures to
mitigate air pollution in the region. Multiple criteria, including cost-effectiveness evaluation, uncertainty about
both the information on the contribution of the respective sub-sectors to local pollution, and the actual longterm
effects of the measures were applied in the analysis. The results suggest that implementation of best available
technologies, energy-efficiency improvements, and road transportation management are to be the best
measures in terms of efficient air quality improvement. Smog mitigation and fuel change represents mediumefficiency
solutions. Closing of plants, end-of-pipe solutions, and imports of intermediate products are among
the least-efficient measures.