Analysis of the Spatial and Seasonal Variability
of Inorganic Species of Arsenic, Antimony and
Selenium in a Shallow Lake Subjected to Moderate
M. Pełechaty1*, A. Pełechata1, P. Niedzielski2, M. Siepak3 , T. Sobczyński2
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Adam Mickiewicz University,
1 Department of Hydrobiology, Marcelińska Str. 4, 60-801 Poznań, Poland
2 Department of Water and Soil Analysis, Drzymały Str. 24, 60-613 Poznań, Poland
3 Department of Hydrogeology and Waters Protection, Maków Polnych Str. 16, 61-686 Poznań, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2004;13(2):185-190
This study was aimed at recognizing the levels of arsenic, antimony and selenium concentrations in different
zones of the lake ecosystem. Total content as well as inorganic species of the studied metalloids were
considered. Shallow Lake Jarosławieckie (Wielkopolski National Park) was chosen for the study reported.
Water samples were collected in different macrophyte communities of the phytolittoral and in the middle
of the lake in early spring and mid-summer 2002. Total concentrations of all studied metalloids in samples
collected in summer were lower than in those collected in spring but not all studied mineral species of As,
Sb and Se followed the same pattern of changes. Despite seasonal changeability the lack of significant
spatial differentiation in the concentrations of the elements studied at the peak of the vegetation season,
in particular no differences in their concentrations between the sites in the bulk water in the middle of the
lake and the sites in the plant communities was stated. This finding might testify to the fact that the effect
of vegetation on the concentration of the elements studied is limited.