Analysis of Variability in PM10 Concentration in the Wrocław Agglomeration
Justyna Krynicka, Anetta Drzeniecka-Osiadacz
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Department of Climatology and Atmospheric Protection, Institute of Geography and Regional Development,
Faculty of Earth Science and Environmental Management, University of Wrocław,
Aleksandra Kosiby 8, 51-621 Wrocław, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2013;22(4):1091-1099
Our research was designed to analyze the variability in PM10 concentrations in the Wrocław area from January 2008 to February 2010, and to relate the findings to the existing meteorological and terrain conditions. To this end, five measurement stations were located in places with distinctive environmental features. Stations used the TEOM 1400a gravimetric analyzer and the manual reference method. The distinction between warm and cold seasons also was made based on start and end dates of heating periods. Finally, the thorough analysis of observed fluctuations in PM10 was produced. This includes tabulating the data, establishing a correlation and, most importantly, presenting descriptive statistics. Moreover, the statistical analysis was extended to variability and correlation analysis. The figures revealed that there exists the spatial variation of PM10 concentrations throughout the year, and analysis showed similar dynamics of the PM10 concentrations. The highest annual average PM10 concentration was noted at one of the stations and was associated with numerous exceedings of the limit value. The analyzed stations show a high correlation during the cold period of the year (0.71-0.95). Coefficients were significant at the 0.99 confidence level. The value of coefficient of divergence ranged from 0.053 to 0.613 and indicated the sources of PM10 emission. A positive relationship was observed between PM10 concentration and, e.g., atmospheric pressure (0.40), and in the warm season, average daily air temperature (0.36); but a negative relationship was observed between PM10 concentration and, i.e., the average daily speed of the wind (-0.56), and during the cold period, the average daily air temperature (-0.56). In support of this claim, the following article discusses select examples of the interdependence between terrain characteristics and PM10 variations.
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