Ability of Peat Soil to Oxidize Methane and Affect Temperature and Layer Deposition
Anna Szafranek-Nakonieczna, Riccardo Paolo Bennicelli
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Department of Biochemistry and Environmental Chemistry, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin,
Al. Kraśnicka 102, 20-718 Lublin, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2010;19(4):805-810
Methane-oxidizing bacteria that inhabit peat play a significant role in carbon recycling. They reduce methane emissions to the atmosphere and supply carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Our investigations aimed at determining the peat profile's (0-80 cm) ability to oxidize methane focused on the low peat Garbatówka Peatland in southwestern Poland. The experiments were carried out for four 20 cm layers. Samples of peat material of natural moisture were incubated in atmosphere enriched in 5% [v/v] CH4 at 5, 10, and 20°C. It was observed that methane oxidation (up to 145 mg CH4 kg d.w.-1 d-1) was most efficient at 20°C. The highest methanotrophic activity at each tested temperature was observed for a different zone of the peat profile. At 5°C the most active layer was 0-20 cm, at 10°C 40-60 cm, while at 20°C the deepest layer (60-80 cm) showed the highest methanotrophic activity.
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