Specific Approach for Estimating
Traffic-Induced Urban Pollution
Sadoon Ayed1, Mladen Tomić2, Predrag Živković3
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1Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq,
Al-Sinaa Street, P.O. Box 35010, Baghdad, Iraq
2College of Applied Technical Sciences, Niš, Serbia, Aleksandra Medvedeva 20, Niš, Serbia
3Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, Niš, Serbia
Submission date: 2015-06-05
Final revision date: 2015-06-29
Acceptance date: 2015-07-06
Publication date: 2015-11-27
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2015;24(6):2739-2744
Most air pollution originates from combustion processes, so it is important to make quantitative as well
as qualitative analysis, as the sources of pollution can be stochastic – especially for road traffic. The point of
our study is to better determine road traffic as one of the largest pollution sources in the city of Niš, Serbia.
The research was conducted at several locations in the city that represent all of the main roads across the city.
Parameters considered in the study were traffic frequency, vehicle type, annual vehicle mileage in the city, and
average vehicle velocity. Besides these parameters, roadside CO2 concentration was measured for evaluation.
These data were used as the input for the COPERT methodology of air pollutant emissions calculation from
road transport. On the basis of these data, annual CO2 emissions and major pollutants were calculated, as well
as the specific average emissions on roads. According to this, a classification of roads in respect to their specific
average emissivity is given at the end of this paper.