A Novel Sediment Transport Calculation
Method-Based 3D CFD Model Investigation
of a Critical Danube Reach
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MTA-BME Water Management Research Group, Eötvös Lóránd Research Network,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
Department of Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
Submission date: 2019-05-31
Final revision date: 2019-08-12
Acceptance date: 2019-08-21
Online publication date: 2020-03-05
Publication date: 2020-04-21
Corresponding author
Gergely T. Török
MTA-BME Water Management Research Group, Műegyetem rkp. 3., 1111, Budapest, Hungary
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2020;29(4):2889-2899
Our paper presents an application case study of a recently published sediment transport calculation
method. In the last few decades, important bed changes have taken place along a Danube section (rkm
1798 and rkm 1794), which caused primary problems, e.g., for navigation, flood risk management, and
habitat-related processes. The earlier-presented studies highlighted the need for 3D CFD morphodynamic
model investigation in order to estimate the expectable future changes. However, none of the sediment
transport models in the literature are able to deal with the spatially and temporally varied dominant
grain size in the bed load. For such a river section, a novel calculation method and its verification were
presented in 2017, which is able to deal with such complexity. Therefore, the use of the novel method
becomes justified. The model investigations result in important statements: the trendy bed level incision
in the main channel is not expected anymore, but the formation of the new dynamic equilibrium state
is presumable. Minor bed changes can take place in the groin fields and at the gravel bars in small time
scale (e.g., during a flood wave), but no trendy erosion or sedimentation can be detected in the years