A Modifying Impact of Temperature on Bacteria Response to Soil Treatment with Fungicides
H. Kaszubiak
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Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Academy of Agriculture Wolynska 35, Poznan, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 1999;8(6):395-401
In soil - incubation experiments the action of the fungicides Impact Super and Mirage on soil microorganisms at the temperature of 10°C and 25°C has been studied. Irrespective of the applied fungicide and temperature, the reduction of fungi occurrence was accompanied by proliferation of copiotrophic bacteria, especially of fluorescent pseudomonads. The changes in the number of copiotrophic bacteria caused no increase in the soil bacterial community as a whole. Qualitative differences in the action of temperature on the response to a fungicide were found in the case of bacteria defined as chlorocycline-resistant, which proliferated only at 25°C, as well as in the case of soil respiration activity, which intensified or became weaker depending on the type of fungicide. Moreover, it has been shown that the application of fungicides also affected percentage of forms adapted to growth at low temperatures in fungal and bacterial communities. The arrangement of the experiments permitted also to compare the survival rate of the examined groups of microorganisms under the lack of fresh organic matter inflow.
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