Evaluating Hydrological and Environmental
Effects for Low-Impact Development
of a Sponge City
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State Key Laboratory of Eco-Hydraulic Engineering in Arid Area, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, China
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an, China
College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Submission date: 2019-02-26
Final revision date: 2019-05-10
Acceptance date: 2019-05-12
Online publication date: 2019-11-07
Publication date: 2020-01-16
Corresponding author
Jiake Li
Xi'an university of technology, No.5 South jinhua road, 710048, Xi'an, China
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2020;29(2):1205-1218
The rapid urbanization and high density of urban populations has resulted in increasing hydrological
and environmental problems. A distribution model was established for an urban area located in
Xixian New Area in Shaanxi Province, China to evaluate the hydrological and environmental effects
of low-impact development (LID). The results for all simulated rainfall events show that: (1) LID mode
could effectively control urban rainstorm runoff and reduce the peak flow, total amounts of runoff and
pollution load. Compared with traditional development (TD), the runoff reduction rates were increased
by 18.3-34.7%, and total amounts of suspended solids (SS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total
phosphorus (TP), and total nitrogen (TN) were reduced by 42.4~80.3%. (2) The peak concentration was
reduced and the appearance time was delayed under LID mode. Compared with TD mode, the reduction
rates of all pollutant loads had been remarkably reduced. However, the reduction effects on rainfall runoff
and its pollution loads gradually decreased with the design rainfall recurrence periods increased. (3) The
linear models between pollution load reduction amount and runoff reduction amount were established,
which can be used to predict urban non-point source pollution load for a rainfall event or a given year.